The XXXVII National URSI Convention on Radio Science will be held at the Arctic Space Centre, Sodankylä, 10-11 March 2025.


Call for Papers

Contributions from all URSI commissions are warmly welcomed! Short abstract submission deadline 19.1.2025.

The convention is organised by the Finnish National Committee of URSI, Arctic Space Centre of the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI-ARC), Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory (SGO), and Remote Sensing Club of Finland. The convention provides a forum for discussion of advances in the broad field of radio science and radio communications topics in Finland. Participation is free of charge. Abstract submission via the conference web page.

Submitted papers are reviewed by the Technical Committee. Accepted abstracts (maximum length 2 pages) will be published on the conference web page.

The best oral presentation by a young scientist (under 35 years) is recognized by a perpetual trophy that will be presented at the end of the convention.

Submit a Paper


Scientific Commissions

URSI is organised in various scientific commissions. They each cover a specific piece of the spectrum and associated technical applications. Per commission you will find key people, groups, working documents and much more!